Education, male’s preference, and use of contaceptive methods

Education, male’s preference, and use of contaceptive methods 

E Cosar1, F Durmusoglu2 

1Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kutahya, Turkey, 2Obstetrics

and Gynecology, Istanbul, Turkey 

Objective Many interventions have been carried

out to improve the reproductive health and status of women. However education

problems about contraception and males’ preference limit these efforts. We

eveluated the the effects of education problems and males’ preference on the use

of contraception. 

Design and methods Data collected from interviews of

married women from the January 2005 – December 2005 Turkish Demographic and

Health Survey. 35618 women, all aged 15-49 were included in the study. 


A total of 14409 (40.45%) graduates, and 21209 undergraduates were investigated.

Out of the total number of respondents (35618), they were all sexually active,

2740 of graduates (19%), and 8457 of undergraduates (39%) had been sexually

active without effective contraception (P<0.05). Among graduates the most commonly known and currently used contraceptive is oral pills, followed in descending order by condom, calender method, injectable contraception, coitus interruptus, intrauterine contraceptive device, and emergency contraception. Intrauterine contraceptive device is the most currently used contraceptive method among undergraduates. Calender method, coitus interruptus, injectable contraception are following methods. The reasons for preferring the current contraceptive method, among both users, include ready availability, partner's preference, cost, and safety. Most of the undergraduates showed their partner for a failure to use a contraceptive, some of them felt that contraceptives are dangerous. Partner's preference effects graduates also as using oral pills. 

Conclusion Education has an important influence on contraceptive usage.

Adequate contraceptive education for every student is needed absolutely. The

percentage of contraceptive use among male partners is less then women. So to

improve the status of women in the community and to empower women for sexual

health, further investigations are needed.

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