Evaluation of placental retentions after 8536 uterine evacuations

Evaluation of placental retentions after 8536 uterine


K. Ertopcu, M.M. Inal, Z. Ozenc, A. Donmez, F. Ozdemir, I. Ozelmas, S. Tinar

Aegean Obst & Gyn Teaching and Research Hospital, Family Planning Department,

Izmir, Turkey

Objective To investigate the causes of placental retention (rest

placenta) cases after uterine evacuations applied in our clinic.


Uterine evacuation applied 8536 cases in between 1 January 1998 and 31 December

2004 in our Family Planning Department were enrolled into the study. Demographic

characteristics (age, number of children, number of abortions, number of

curettages), gestational ages, uterine anomalies like leiomyomas and uterine

septums were compared in revision curettage applied 327 cases because of rest

placenta after uterine evacuation. Uterine evacuations were applied by certified

practitioners under the supervision of gynecologists with carmen cannula

aspiration (menstrual regulation) and by gynecologists in between 5th and 9th

weeks of gestation. Pregnancy and placental retention diagnosis were put by

ultrasonography in all of the cases. The differences in between all of the

groups were evaluated statistically.

Results Revision curettage was applied to

327 (3.83%) of 8536 uterine evacuation applied cases. Most of the uterine

evacuation applied cases were in between 20-30 years of age group (47.3%)

whereas most of the cases with rest placenta were in between 31-40 years of age

(50.8%). Previous number of uterine evacuations, number of children and number

of abortions revealed no statistically significant difference in between the

groups. Because of placental retentions observed after uterine evacuations

performed by certified practitioners, revision curettages performed by certified

practitioners were applied to 28 of 995 cases (2.81%) at 5th gestational week,

84 of 1951 cases (4.3%) at 6th gestational week, 94 of 2036 cases (4.61%) at 7th

gestational week, and 104 of 2089 cases (4.97%) at 8th gestational week, whereas

after uterine evacuations applied by gynecologists at 9th week of gestation,

revision curettage was needed to be applied to 18 of 1465 cases (1.2%) at 9th

gestational week.

Uterine anomalies were observed in 15 cases and leiomyomas

were observed in 36 cases in uterine evacuation group, whereas only 2 uterine

anomaly cases and 1 leiomyoma case were observed in rest placenta group.

Evaluation of the experience of the physicians who performed the uterine

evacuations revealed the rest placenta rates as follows; 52 rest placenta cases

(3%) with the physician who performed 1707 uterine evacuations, 70 rest placenta

cases (4.4%) with the physician who performed 1576 uterine evacuations, 43 rest

placenta cases (3.2%) with the physician who performed 1305 uterine evacuations,

42 rest placenta cases (3.5%) with the physician who performed 1198 uterine

evacuations, 42 rest placenta cases (3.5%) with the physician who performed 1189

uterine evacuations, 35 rest placenta cases (4.4%) with the physician who

performed 797 uterine evacuations, 27 rest placenta cases (5.1%) with the

physician who performed 529 uterine evacuations and 16 rest placenta cases

(6.8%) with the physician who performed 235 uterine evacuations.

Conclusion The

possibility of placental retention increases with the increase in gestational

week of the uterine evacuation applied cases. The rate of rest placenta

decreases with the increase in the total number of uterine evacuations performed

by the physician. And high number of placental retentions observed in cases of

31-40 years of age group was also striking.

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