The determination of women’s satisfaction about contraceptive methods and family planning services

The determination of women’s satisfaction about contraceptive

methods and family planning services

N. Erbil, C.P. Kaplan

Ondokuz Mayis

University, Ordu School of Health, Department of Nursing, Ordu, Turkey


This research has been made to determine the women’s satisfaction about family

planning methods and family planning services (FPS).

Design and methods The

population of this descriptive research is the Turkish women consulting to Ordu

Birth and Children’s Hospital Gynecology Polyclinic for some reasons. The sample

participants are those 507 women who consulted the polyclinic, accepted to take

part in the research, and used one of the contraceptive methods for at least

once. They were included in the research with nonrandomly sampling method. The

data were collected with the questionnaire form. The research was made between

08.02.2005 and 30.05.2005. The statistical analysis of the data was made with

frequency distribution percentage, arithmetic average, Chi-square test and

correlation analysis in SPSS 11.5 statistical program on a computer.

Results The

currently used contraceptive methods among the participants are withdrawal

(35.9%), condom (23.1%), intrauterine device (IUD) (17.2%). The past used

contraceptive methods are pill (20.1%), condom (15.2%), IUD (14.4%), and

withdrawal (10.8%). The percentage of women having used the emergency

contraception is only 0.4%. The percentages of women’s satisfaction about

contraceptive methods are female sterilization (FS) 72.5%, withdrawal 58.2%,

condom 51%, IUD 44.8%. The percentage of becoming pregnant unwillingly while

using family planning methods and the family planning method used are calendar

30%, withdrawal 16.2%, tablets 9%. It was determined that 32.6% of women using

pill, 30.8% of women using injection method, and 25.8% of women using IUD have

health problems about the method they use. When emotional and psychological

problems about the use of family planning methods were examined, 17.2% of women

using IUD have angriness, 18.4% of women using preservative feel discontent, 34%

of women using tablets feel angriness, 15.4% of women using injection feel

angriness, 18.8% of women having FS feel troubled, 17.8% of women using

withdrawal method feel discontent, 41.7% of women using vagina cleaning method

feel discontent, 47.4% of women using calendar method feel discontent. It was

determined that 51.3% of women stated using family planning methods made no

change in their sexual life, and 10.7% of them stated the increase in the

frequency of sexual relation. It was determined that 16.6% of women using IUD

have longer period of menstruating, and 11% of them have more amount of

menstruation blooding. It was determined that during the use of tablets women

mostly have problems about gaining weight and decrease in the number of

menstruation. 77.5% of women stated to suggest the family planning method they

currently use to the others. 66.3% of women stated their satisfaction with the

family planning services. When the factors positively effecting the satisfaction

with family planning services are ordered, informing people sufficiently

(13.6%), cheap price for the service (12%), and paying attention to privacy

(10%) can be seen at the top. At the top of the factors negatively effecting the

satisfaction with family planning services, we can see those of giving

insufficient information to the consultants (13.2%) for family planning from

Mother and Children Health centers and Family Planning Centers.

Conclusions At

the end of the research, it was determined that women are mostly satisfied with

tube ligation and pulling back methods, they have health problems about using

tablets and injection, and half of them are satisfied with family planning

services. During the contraception counseling, having trouble and being effected

from the problem can be reduced to the least by informing people both about the

positive and negative sides.

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