Urinary incontinence during pregnancy

Urinary incontinence during pregnancy

N. Erbil, N. Tas, M. Uysal,

A. Keskin, N. Kiliçarslan, Ü. Gökkaya

Ondokuz Mayis University, Ordu School

of Health, Department of Nursing, Ordu, Turkey

Objectives This research has

been made to determine the incidence of urinary incontinence and the factors of

potential risks.

Design and methods The population women consulting to Ordu

Birth and Children’s Hospital Obstetrics Polyclinic form the cosmos of this

descriptive and cross-sectional research. However, only 502 Turkish pregnant

women, chosen from the stated cosmos with improbability sampling method, were

included into the sample of the research. The research was made between

03.10.2005 and 30.01.2006. The data were collected with a questionnaire form,

prepared according to the literature information. The analysis of the data was

made with frequency distribution, percentage, Chi-square test and Fisher’s Exact

Test in SPSS 11.5 statistical program on a computer.

Results It was determined

that 40.4% of pregnant women have complaint of urinary incontinence. It was

determined that 21.3% of pregnant women have information about urinary

incontinence, and 60% of informed women got the information from the doctors. It

was determined that 60.3% of pregnant women have complaints about urinary

incontinence only in current pregnancy, 39.9% of them have it drop-type, and

59.2% of them have it while coughing. It was determined that 38% of pregnant

women had episiotomy in the earlier pregnancy, 31.1% of them could not postpone

the urination, 87.1% of them have no information about protecting the pelvic

base muscles, and 43.9% of those who have information about this subject (57

women) do Kegel exercises. When the state of being effected from urinary

incontinence is evaluated, it was determined that 73.5% of them feel discomfort,

75.3% of them think that their daily routines are affected, 69.3% of them think

of getting assistance from a health institution, 52.6% of them avoid of taking

enough liquid with the anxiety of urinary incontinence, 47% of them think it

affects their sexual life negatively, 35.8% of them isolated themselves from

their environment because of urinary incontinence problem. The relation among

the compliant of urinary incontinence and age ( P=.000), number of giving birth

(P=.000), type of the earlier birth (P=.000), month of pregnancy (P=.000),

getting information about urinary incontinence ( P=.000), having a chronic

illness (P=.043), having information about protecting pelvic base muscles(

P=.005) was determined.

Conclusions At the end of this research, it was

determined that giving birth, especially vaginal giving birth is the most

important factor for women to develop urinary incontinence. The other important

risk factors about urinary incontinence during pregnancy were age, number of

giving birth, number of pregnancy, having no information about urinary

incontinence, and having no information about exercises of protecting pelvic

base muscles.

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