Developing family planning attitude scale in Turkey

Developing family planning attitude scale in Turkey

Ö. Örsal,

G. Kublay

Community Health Nursing, Ankara, Turkey

2003 Türkiye Demographic and

Health Survey showed that overall almost three-fourth of currently married women

are using contraception, and almost half of them do not want to use a method.

Married women are using contraception with almost half of them depending on

modern methods and one-third using traditional methods. Knowledge of family

planning methods is almost universal among women and two-third of currently

married women say they do not want to more births in the future, moreover,

although women were induced abortion that one-third induced abortion women do

not want to use a method. The gap may be the result of accessibility problems

including availability of the contraceptives and/or counselling services as well

as attitude of the women towards family planning, it is known that positive or

negative attitude, might influence use of effective family planning. Although

numerous studies have been undertaken to investigate primarily the service

provision and the accessibility of services, there are very few studies on the

attitude towards family planning, addition did not towards Turkish people in


Objective The aim of this study was to develope scale to measure

attitude toward family planning in Turkey.

Design and methods This

methodological survey is planned to measure the validity and reliability of

scales which determines the family planning attitude. Item pool is to form by

researcher. Item pool is to formed is assesment by 12 judge family planning,

testing – evaluation and pychometry expert. Scale prepared by the expert group

is pretested on 30 person. Pretest results were evaluated by the thesis judges

and unclear items were deleted. Two phases stratified systematic random sampling

in 381 household from Ankara Municipality area, along with 92-item a

self-administered format, were utilized. 3 people from every household were

selected. Among 1143 selected, 1142 were present and 631 women (55.3%) and 511

men (44.7%). Confirmatory factor analysis was used to assess the structural and

psycometric properties of the attitude toward family planning scale.


The resulting 34-item, Likert-type scale and to have 3 sub-scale was found to

have an internal consistency reliability coefficient of / cronbach alpha 0,90.

The items in scale were found between minimal point of 0,31 and maximal point of

0,59. The mean measures the difference (Hotelling T²=1865,06, p=,0000). Item

with the property of Likert type scale can be addictive (F=54,9322, p=,0000).The

scale has been shown to be discriminative attitude to person to person

(F=105,0418, p=0000).

Conclusion To our opinion this scale can be used

effectively for attitude evaluation in family planning in Türkiye.

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