10th Congress of the European Society of Contraception

10th Congress of the
European Society of Contraception

"Non-contraceptive impact of contraception
and family planning"



Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Opening Ceremony (18:00) and Welcome Reception
All participants and their extra persons are warmly
invited to join us for the Opening Ceremony that will take place in
the Congress Hall of the Prague Congress Centre. It will be an
entertaining and eventful introduction to the congress. During the
ceremony, the ESC Medal will be awarded for the second time. At the
end of the opening ceremony, there will be a music and dancing
folklore show presented by the Military Artistic Ensemble ONDRÁŠ. 
After the Opening Ceremony, we will officially open the
industrial exhibition and invite our delegates to the Welcome
Reception. Attendance at the Opening Ceremony and Welcome Reception
are complimentary.

May 1, 2008
(18:15 – Hall IV)
night – 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days
Movie night – 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days 4 Months, 3
Weeks and 2 Days, winner of the grand prize at the 2007 Cannes Film
Festival, is set in Communist Romania, in the 1980s, with boxy Eastern
Bloc autos, ill-lit streets, and a thriving black market: Kent
cigarettes, Tic-Tacs, abortions. Like various forms of contraception,
abortion was illegal under the regime of Nicolae Ceausescu –
totalitarian measures to boost the country’s population. And so, in
the haunting 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days, a pregnant college student
and her dorm-mate arrange for an illegal termination – to be performed
in a drab hotel, by a guy carrying his devices, and his rubber gloves,
in a cheap attache case.

Friday, May 2, 2008
Congress Dinner (pre-registration was necessary)
The 10th ESC Congress will not only be about science, but
also about having a good time. Sign up for this event and enjoy a
fantastic evening in the company of your friends and colleagues. We will
offer an exquisite blend of excellent food and entertainment (including
dancing) at the Palàc Zofin, a wonderful neo-renaissance palace located
on the most beautiful island in Prague, Slovansky ostrov (Slavic
Island), just next to the National Theatre with view on the Charles
bridge and Prague castle.
The tickets for this unique event will be 100 euro.

Saturday, May 3, 2008
Closing and Award Ceremony
The Closing and Award Ceremony will be held after the
last session of the congress. During this Ceremony, the winner of the
2008 ESC Poster Award, the ESC Best Public Poster as well as the winner of the First Young Scientist
Award will be presented. At the end of the Ceremony we will say goodbye
and make a new appointment for our next congress in The Hague (The
Netherlands) in the year 2010.

Tours for participants/accompanying
Post Congress Tours
Please contact:
Renata Somolova (Ms)
GUARANT International spol. s r.o.
Opletalova 22
110 00 Prague 1
Czech Republic
T +420 284 001 444
F +420 284 001 448
[email protected]



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