poster session 12

nr. title 1st


P210 European resuscitation council guidelines in a community contraceptive and sexual health setting

(UK) abstract
P211 The development of a Clinical Nurse Specialist training programme

S. L. McVicker (UK) abstract
P212 Helicobacter pylori seropositivity and stool antigen in patients with hyperemesis gravidarum

R.S. Karadeniz (Turkey) abstract
P213 Fertility awareness training; an evidence-based course for health professionals

J. Knight (UK) abstract
P214 Contraception in a community of immigrants of Maresme

R. Diaz (Spain) abstract
P215 Is a CD-ROM computer assisted learning package (CAL) a viable and acceptable method of providing

a training package in a community setting?

S. Hughes (UK) abstract
P216 The use of a formative OSCE for developing clinical skills necessary for undertaking cervical cytology

S. Hughes (UK) abstract
P217 An audit of practice nurses’ current practice and training needs analysis in relation to nursing skills

identified in level 1 and 2 elements of the National Strategy for Sexual Health and HIV

A. Soames (UK) abstract

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