nr. | title | 1st
author |
abstract |
P124 | Use of a national guidance document to audit quality of care in the first prescription of combined oral
contraception |
M.F. Clark (UK) | abstract |
P125 | Evaluation of use of an audit tool for infection risk reduction in a community based sexual health
centre |
M. Hay (UK) | abstract |
P126 | Does liquid-based cytology improve smear-taking performance in an ordinary clinical setting? | P.H. McGough (UK) | abstract |
P127 | The faculty of family planning and reproductive healthcare guidance on 12-month supply of the pill –
is it happening? |
H. Cockburn (UK) | abstract |
P128 | Child protection in the family planning setting | A. Gunstone (UK) | abstract |
P129 | Promotion and prevention in the systems of health | K. Messan-Kplaka (Togo) | abstract |
P130 | Nurse-led appointment system | A. Tyrer (UK) | abstract |
P131 | Further development of patient group directions for first time issue of hormonal contraception by
nurses |
J.T. McVicker (UK) | abstract |
P132 | A new approach towards an old problem. Combined oral contraceptives in uterine bleedings and
dysmenorrhea in girls |
E.V. Uvarova (Russia) | abstract |
P133 | Standard practice preview – a way to solve the new problems in reproductive health services | O. Casian-Botez (Romania) | abstract |
P134 | Monitoring the practice standard review efficiency | O. Casian-Botez (Romania) | abstract |
P136 | Management of PID: are we getting it right? | M. Gupta (UK) | abstract |