Improving Life Quality Through Contraception And Reproductive Health Care

Abstracts of the 9th Congress of the

European Society of Contraception



life quality through contraception and reproductive

health care” 

3-6 MAY 2006


1  Non-contraceptive benefits of contraceptives 9  Emergency contraception
2  Hormonal contraception 10  Complications of oral contraceptives
3  Counselling for contraception 11  IUDs 
4  Adolescent contraception 12  Contraception and infections
5  Cancer and contraception 13  Sexual and Reproductive Health Services
6  New contraceptive methods 14  Sexual Health Education for young people
7  Abortion 15  Quality in reproductive health services
8  Male contraception 16  Other topics 

P127  Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine

system: 5 years of

follow up

I. Mattos, C. Navas, J. Corredera, D.

Peña, L. Muñoz, JM. Hernández

Hospital 12 de Octubre, Madrid, Spain


The clinical effects of

levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine device (Mirena®) on



B.S. Lee1, S.H. Cho1,

C.M. Kim1, S.H. Kim2, I.M. Lee3, K.J.

Hwang4, H.K. Lee5 1Yonsei

University College of Medicine, YongDong Severance Hospital, Seoul,

Korea, South, 2Seoul National University College of

Medicine, Seoul, Korea, South, 3Soonchunhyang University

College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea, South, 4Ajou

University School of Medicine, Suwon, Korea, South, 5Gachon

Medical School Gil Medical Center, Inchon, Korea, South


Prevalence of bacterial vaginosis and relationship with personal

hygiene in Turkish women using an IUD


I. Gönenç1, E.Z. Tuzcular Vural1, N.

Aka1, G. Köse1, JK. Tacclu2 1Haydarpacia Numune Education and Research


Family Planning Unit, Istanbul, Turkey, 2Haydarpacia Numune Education and

Research Hospital ,Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Istanbul,


P130 Impact of piroxicam ß-cyclodextrin on the efficacy of

intrauterine device in a rat model

S. Sinan Ozalp, B. Cakmak, H.M. Tanir, H. Hassa

Eskisehir Osmangazi University School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and

Gynecology, Eskisehir, Turkey

P131 The local progestational effect of the Mirena

– Sonographic and Doppler flow study

Y. Zalel, R. Achiron, A. Shulman, A.


R. Gamzu Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer, Ramat Gan, Israel, and Sackler School

of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Italy


Sexually transmitted diseases and lower genital tract infections

among Turkish women using an IUD

E.Z. Tuzcular Vural1, I. Gönenç1, J. Kaynar

Tascıoglu2, N. Aka1, G. Köse11Haydarpasa Numune Education and Research

Hospital, Family Planning Unit, Istanbul, Turkey, 2Haydarpasa Numune Education

and Research Hospital, Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Istanbul,


P133 Surgical management of

intra-abdominal mislocated intrauterine devices

M.T. Ozgun, C. Batukan, I.S. Serin, M. Basbug, M. Dolanbay

Erciyes University, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kayseri, Turkey

P134 The management of translocated

intrauterine contraceptive devices

C. Dane, M. Yayla, B. Dane, A. Çetin Haseki Training & Research

Hospital, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Istanbul, Turkey


Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine devices: clinical experience and


M. Torrents Muns, E. Menendez Robledo, A. Tamargo

Suarez, N.

Fontela Lorenzana, I. Arnott Fernandez, J. Touris Nogueira Hospital

Universitario Central de Asturias, Oviedo, Spain

P136 Acceptability and

drawbacks of levonorgestrel intrauterine system. Personal experience and follow

up of 600 insertions over 7 years. 

A Ber Maccabi Health Centers, Tel

Aviv, Israel

P137 A study on knowledge about IUD in women referred to health centers

in Kashan 2004

Z. Sooky, K. Sharifi, Z. Tagharrobi Science

Board, Midwifery Department , Nursing and Midwifery Faculty, Kashan

University of Medical Sciences & Health Services , Ravand Street , Kashan ,


P138 The dislocation of iuds (intrauterine

devices): analysis of 11 cases

A. Kolusari, E. Erdemoglu, H. G.

Sahin, S. Zeteroglu, G. Bolluk, M. Kamaci Yuzuncu Yil University

Med. Faculty Obs & Gyn Department, Van, Turkey

P139 Ileal

penetration and tubo-ovarian abscess in the presence of an intrauterine device

A. Kolusari, E. Erdemoglu, A Deveci, H. G.

Sahin, S. Zeteroglu, G. Bolluk, M. Kamaci Yuzuncu Yil University

Med. Faculty Obs & Gyn Department, Van, Turkey

P140 The risk of Chlamydia trachomatis infection in women with IUD abstract
M Bogavac1, Z Grujic1, M

Pavlov-Mirkovic1, G Relic2 1Clinical Centre, Department of Obstetrics and

Gynecology, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia & Montenegro,2Medical School in


Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Priština, Serbia & Montenegro

P141 IUD-The key contraceptive method in


Shangchun Wu National Family

Planning Institute, Beijing, China

P142 Surgical therapy of severe pelvic

inflammatory disease in patients with intra-uterine devices

P. Krepelka, E. Kucera Institute

for the Care of the Mother and Child, Prague, Czech Republic

P143 Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine

system in treatment of menorrhagia

B L Xiao National Research

Institute for Population and Family Planning, Department of

Reproductive Endocrinology, Beijing, China

P144 Intrauterine device incidents abstract
G. Ozdemir1, M. Kesim Donmez1, A.

Atis1, S. Ozdemir1, S. Miscirloglu1, F. Tuysuz2 1Sisli Etfal

Training and Research Hospital 3rd Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics,

Sisli, Istanbul, Turkey, and 2Family Planning Training Center, Sisli,

Istanbul, Turkey


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