poster abstracts

Abstracts of the 9th Congress of the

European Society of Contraception



life quality through contraception and reproductive

health care” 

3-6 MAY 2006


1  Non-contraceptive benefits of contraceptives 9  Emergency contraception
2  Hormonal contraception 10  Complications of oral contraceptives
3  Counselling for contraception 11  IUDs 
4  Adolescent contraception 12  Contraception and infections
5  Cancer and contraception 13  Sexual and Reproductive Health Services
6  New contraceptive methods 14  Sexual Health Education for young people
7  Abortion 15  Quality in reproductive health services
8  Male contraception 16  Other topics 

P001 NuvaRing® improves quality of life-results from a clinical experience program in Spain  Abstract

I Lete Lasa Hospital

Santiago Apóstol, Gynecology Department, Vitoria, Spain

P002 The benefits of contraceptives in the management of menstrual migraine  Abstract

A MacGregor The

City of London Migraine Clinic, London, United Kingdom

P003  NuvaRing® has a beneficial effect on acne-results from a clinical experience program in Spain  Abstract

I Lete Lasa Santiago

Apóstol Hospital, Gynecology Department, Vitoria, Spain

P004  An investigation into subjective well-being during oral contraceptive

(Mercilon®) use 


T Fel1, J Almasi1,

I Szabo2 1Organon

Hungary Ltd, Medical Department, Budapest, Hungary, 2Medical

School of the University of Pecs, Clinical Department of Obstetrics

and Gynaecology, Pecs, Hungary

P005 Improvement of dysmenorrhoea and premenstrual syndrome in

NuvaRing® users-a clinical experience program in Spain

I Lete Lasa Santiago

Apóstol Hospital, Gynecology Department, Vitoria, Spain

P006 The impact of an oral contraceptive containing

ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone on the quality of life in young women

K. Sedlecki, I. Mazibrada, Z.

Stankovic, S. Perovic Family Planning

Center, Mother and Child Health Care Institute of Serbia, Belgrade,

United States

P007 Continuation rates of levonorgestrel intrauterine

device(Mirena) inserted for non-contraceptive reasons after 6 months use

A.K. Abraham, S Radhakrishnan Royal

Free Hospital, London,, United Kingdom

P008 Using Drosperinon-containing contraceptive by women with



L. Karakhalis, O. Fedorovich, N. Kovtun Kuban Medical

University, Krasnodar, Russia


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