Links to sites with background information and tools for professionals

Links to sites with background information and tools for


Family Health International
International Planned Parenthood Federation
ETR Associates
Swedish Association for Sexuality Education
Väestöliitto, the Family Federation of Finland
Rutgers Nisso Group
PATH: Program for Appropriate Technology in Health
The Sexual Health Network
The Emergency Contraception


The Guttmacher Institute
The Interagency Youth Working Group (IYWG) The Interagency

Youth Working Group (IYWG), formed in 2006, is providing

global technical leadership to advance the reproductive

health and HIV/AIDS outcomes of young people ages 10-24

in developing countries. On this website you can find

information on sexuality education and youth-friendly

services, training material for different aspects of

sexual and reproductive health of adolescents (also from

different religious perspectives), and research tools

for research on sexual and reproductive behaviour of

young people. One asset of this website is the many

manuals which one can simply download. They also have a

very useful linking site.


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