Estimation of efficiency of using combined oral contraceptive in
girls |
K.G. Serebrennikova, E.A. Pashukova,
E.P. Kuznecova and V.F. Menyasheva (Russia) |
Frequency of Factor V Leiden mutation in women using oral
contraceptives |
E.K. Ailamazian and M.A. Tarassova (Russia) |
Experience of use of monophase hormone contaceptives by the girls
of nursing school |
G.A. Ushakova, M.P. Gvozdetskaya, S.I. Elguina (Russia) |
The influence of emergency contraception pills in our practice |
A. Weidner, F. Tam·si, S. Bagd·ny (Hungary) |
The changes of subjective symptoms afther 6 months treatment with
four diffrent pills |
F. Tam·si, A. Weidner, S. Bagd·ny (Hungary) |
Hyperandrogenation and ways of its correction at women with a set
of symptoms of polycystic ovaries |
V.V. Podolsky (Ukraine) |
Our experience with Logest-low dosage oral contraceptive from
Schering |
J. Georgievska, S. Georgieva, J. Tofoski, S. Popovska, G. Georgievski (Macedonia) |
Low dose oral contraception and its effect on bleeding pattern in
adolescent period |
M. Pavlov-Mirkovic, M.Bogavac (Yugoslaviav) |
Inherited thrombophilia and hormonal contraception |
A.D. Makatsaria, N.V. Dolgushina, V.O. Bitsadze and M.A. Djangidze
(Russia) |