Prevalence of chlamydia infections
amongst requesters for EC |
H. Kettle (United Kingdom) |
Reproductive health disturbances in
women, living on polluted areas |
L.J. Davidov, O.Z. Hnateyko, S.O.
Pechenyk, Z.M. Fedorishin, N.I.
Kytsera (Ukraine) |
IntraUterine Device Insertions: Setting our standards |
A.P. Kasliwal, A. Webb (United Kingdom) |
PostinorÆ – A choice for emergency contraception in adolescents |
S. Tanchev, B. Shetov (Bulgaria) |
Expression of plasminogen activators in human endometrial stromal
cells during implantation |
C. Papp, Z. Ban (Hungary) |
Primary Care Professionals’ Views on Increasing Acces to
Emergency Contraception |
P. Seaman, K. Fairhurst, S. Wyke, S. Ziebland, A. Glasier (United Kingdom) |
Emergency contraception among adolescent girls |
V. Hirsl-Hecej, N. Sikanic-Dugic, T. Turudic-Pavelic (Croatia) |
Emergency contraception with levonorgestrel only
pills, the
Hungarian experience |
L. Kam·r, L. Kov·cs, A. P·l (Hungary) |
Emergency contraception in women sufferred from sexual abuse |
V.N. Prilepskaya, T.N. Bebneva (Russia) |
Four-year clinical experiences with two new
copper/silver and copper/gold alloy intrauterine contraceptive devices |
I. Batar (Hungary) |